Summer Festival 2024 Exhibitor & Concessions Application Form -

VENDOR APPLICATION - New Wine Summer Festival 2024



Thank you for taking the time to apply to exhibit at New Wine Summer Festival 2024. We will review every submission and let you know whether your application has been successful as quickly as possible. Please refer to the New Wine Partnership Opportunities brochure for event pricing. Payment will be requested if we are able to offer you a place at the event.

Please fill in the following details with care, with every blessing from the New Wine team.


Please fill in all the fields

Organisation or Business Name *
Booking Contacts First Name *
Booking Contacts Last Name *
Email *
Mobile *
Phone *
Building Name/ House Number *
Street Name *
City *
State/County *
Zip/Postcode *

About your business

Exhibitor Name *
Trading name if different from above
Business type most related to you for this event *
Have you exhibited with us before? *
Provide a summary of your organisations objectives and Mission Statement
Why would you like to partner with New Wine by exhibiting at this event?
For Traders, please describe the type of products you sell.

Social Media Information

Website address *
Instagram page
Facebook page
Twitter page
Logo *
Please provide a brief description (Max 10 words) describing your organisation/charity for our event programme
Please provide a photo 1920x1080 to accompany your description in our event programme
I would like to apply for the following:
1 x Exhibition Hut2 x Exhibition Huts3 x Exhibition HutsExperience exhibitorMajor SponsorshipFanzone SponsorshipFood Court SponsorshipMedical Centre SponsorshipBandstand SponsorshipTeam Village SponsorshipTheatre SponsorshipLand Train SponsorshipCoffee Cup SponsorshipWater Points SponsorshipAdvertising